Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our New Home

Finally we are beginning to see a little progress on our home. My last blog mentioned our well being drilled. That was exciting. The contractor and Robert marked out the plot for our basement and marked it with pink paint. Next Mr Masterson came with his backhoe and dug our basement.

The weather was not cooperating with us and there came snow, rain and cold windy weather. Blah! On March 19th, we were in Provo for my mom's 80th birthday party, Ster, our plumber called about 4 times asking questions about the house so he could have his crew work on the house on Monday!!!
So Monday March 21st the underground plumbing was done and ready for inspection.

Then we had more weather. Tuesday or Wednesday the concrete men came and put a few boards around the hole (basement) for the foundation.

But this week things started happening Tuesday the concrete crew came and put more footing boards up, leveled the ground in the basement and were ready for inspection on Wednesday.

Today is March 31st and the footings for the foundation and the basement floor was poured. Robert and I are so excited. I kept going out and taking pics. What a great day!

As you can tell some of my pics are out of order, I am just learning. Next time I will do better.