Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Our house now has electricity! Everything is wired, but there are only a few actual plug-ins' that are useable now. The heating and cooling ducts are in, along with the gas line; and they have passed inspection. They also have all the fireplace pipes through the roof ready to be assembled.

Here are a few pictures. First the livingroom/kitchen lights. There are 16 lights in this room.
On the 4th of July, Robert Ruby and I had a picnic on the back porch. These boxes were our table, how elegant.
We have had a little house guest right after we got our bathtub. It has been kind of fun watching out for him or her.

Morgan spent last week with us and her eyes just lit up when she found this special place under the stairs in the basement. She said, "This would be a great playhouse!" Who knows!
They installed our gas fireplace in the livingroom. It is going to be so awesome. We are going to put rock up the wall for the chimney.

Friday they started insulating the house. They came Saturday, Monday and today. They were suppose to have the sheetrock guys come and put up a couple of walls today (Robert gave me the night off, so I don't know if they came.)
This is what the garage looks like insulated.
I talked to the insulation guys today, and got a couple of pictures. I told them that they looked like "ghost busters" so now no one can have bad dreams in our house, cause the "ghost busters" were here.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Sorry for not posting sooner!

I have been taking pictures, but not many. It took so long to finish getting the shingles on the roof. There was a real hot spell, and they could only roof a few hours a day. But the roof is done and it looks really good.

The electric company finally met with Robert telling him how much the electric connection would cost so they could start digging the trench for the line. When that line was dug, the plumbers also dug their line from the well to the house.

From the barn I could only see the work on the roof and the trenches begin dug. I couldn't see what was going on inside the house. I hate(well not really) to bother the guys and wondering around the house while they were working. (They are so nice about it.) So I stayed away for a couple of days, not going inside. I was surprised when I went into the house. I could actually see where things are going to be.

Here is our bathroom, notice the pipes for our sink, and our linen closet in our bathroom, the last pic here is our walk in shower(I have a better picture now.)
This is a pic from the front door to the patio doors. I know it is dark but I like the arches.

This is the front bathroom (tub/shower).

This is a pic of the dining room going into the front entry way.
So things are actually coming together. We went to Cedar City on Thursday to buy our fireplace for the livingroom and all the pipe for future fireplace and wood stove.