Thursday, November 19, 2009

Once there was a snowman!!!

Our family got together last weekend. I only got a couple of pics, but they are special. I was so upset that there was snow, I was afraid that no one would come. But we had a real fun time with everyone. This was suppose to be a "girls" day but ended up being a family fun time.

The girls (older) got to do a craft, Koby helped by painting. The little girls got to bead a necklace, watch movies and have fun with cousins. Koby, Makayla and Morgan braved the cold and built us a snowman. I love it!!!!!!

When we came home from church Sunday, the snowman had been moved into the shade. Then on Wednesday when I came home from DUP, the snowman had fallen over. I picked the snowman back up, straightened his hat. His mouth wouldn't go back on his face. He is getting a little smaller. Poor mister snowman. It is so nice to have you here.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I can't wait until tomorrow! We get to see all of our grandkids. Can't wait for hugs! Soon we will have another grandchild, blessings keep coming our way.
I can hardly believe that Koby will be 12 years old. We are so proud of him, he is such an awesome young man. Of course all of our grandkids are wonderful! Looking forward to a great day.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Last Fast Sunday, our meeting started out wonderful, you could really feel the spirit. Then the usual doomsday, soothe sayers got up and started to say how bad the world was and we needed to repent and prepare for the "coming of the Lord". Sorry to say that the spirit left me.
Robert and I talked about this quite a bit after the meeting. I said that it really disturbed me to hear them talk that way. He said that they (two brothers, who think they know everything about everything) always talk that way. We decided: There are so many good things in this world. We are so blessed with a wonder family. They are so caring and there whenever we need them. We enjoy the things that we are doing in our lives (farming, dairy). What more could we ask for. We do need to do our best, but we are going to enjoy our family, and enjoy our journey through our lives together.
Family is everything! We have a lot of work to do, but we are going to look for the good in all the "bad" around us. We know that it will be hard, but we are willing to try.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Venturing out on his own

Rick and Tuff came to see what was going on at the barn. Rick just needs help getting in and out of the van, but he can drive himself. What a good site!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Wonderful Surprise!!

This morning after milking, Robert and I were making plans for the day just standing outside the barn.We saw a van driving by, then turn up into the dairy. We both wondered who it was, I said," Maybe it is someone who wants to be a dairy farmer." I said, I am going home. Robert said he had better get the calves watered and fed. I got into the car and started it up. I looked in my rear view mirror, Robert was running up behind me, motioning for me to stop and roll my window down. He said, with a big smile, "It might be Rick!" I jumped out of the car. It was Rick driving a van!
Now I know he doesn't want to own a van. It was so, so good to see him behind the wheel, and even better was to see the BIG SMILE on his face. Tara was clear in the backseat. The owner of the van in the front seat next to Rick.
It is wonderful to see Rick doing so many things. Rick and Tara are simply awesome. My day is even better now. Thanks Rick and Tara for driving over to share with us. Love ya

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Today is our 34th Wedding Anniversary! Sometimes it seems like yesterday, when we went to the Provo Temple to get married. I am very blessed to have found such a wonderful man to share my life with. We have had a great adventure so far and we are looking forward to many more to come.
Robert has helped me realize I am an important person, and together we make a difference. We enjoy being together; can't wait to share our day's events.
Last year our hired helper, Luz, told me that when ever I see Robert, my whole expression changes. She said," You look like a young girl in love with her boyfriend."
It is funny how your love changes and grows, without you even knowing it. I thought I was in " love" with him when we got married, but now that seems like "puppy love". I do love Robert very much.
We have been blessed with wonderful children, each one is special to us. They have chosen great spouses and have given us even more love to share. Our grandkids are an added blessing bonus.
So thanks Robert for 34 years, some really good, some hard; but always years of Love.
I love you, Sweetie!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Wonder Woman

Yesterday I felt like Wonder Woman. I milked cows in the morning, came home and pulled weeds for 1 hour. Then I came in the house, got my beets going for beet pickles. I only got 4 pints, but that is all the beets that were ready. Next I made Zucchini Bread-it was yummy! Then I made a batch of Strawberry Jam, that was really yummy!! For lunch (3:30) I went to the garden and picked two tomatoes for blt sandwiches. Then it was time to milk again. This was a good day for me. I had to look at my tee shirt to see if there was a big "WW" on the front. Just kidding!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Family Reunion

We really enjoyed having everyone here for our Werry Family reunion. We missed Jacob, Debbie and Gary, but we hope they can come next year, if not before.

Jen and the girls came Thursday night and were able to come with me to Rick's house Friday morning. We went on our walk, I thought the girls were going to poop out on us before we got back to Rick and Tara's house. Everyone else came Friday night

We only had two days to pack in visiting, eating, parade, fireworks, church and more eating. Our meals were all healthy and great! Our snacks were wonderfully sweet.

We were afraid that we were going to be rained out of the parade and fireworks, but the storms came around the things we were doing. The walk home from the fireworks was kind of wet though. We even went to a pet show! The kids got to pet a couple of cute geinea pigs and play on the playground at the park.

We didn't take any family pics, except Matt, Mindy and Peyton. But we had fun taking grandkid pictures.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Well now I really can't believe that 33 years ago today that we had our first child. We kind of had a hard time getting her here, but it was sure worth it.

At 1:13 p.m. on June 21, 1976, Rebecca Ann Werry was born. What a darling little girl we were blessed with. We were so happy to have a healthy little girl.

Becky has always tried to be the peacemaker in our family, sometimes that is not easy. I know it is hard to be the oldest, but she does it well.

Becky is a very organized woman. She juggles being a wife to her husband, Steve, mother, to two wonderful children, Koby and Morgan, a homemaker and has a full time job at UVU.

She is a good example to me. We are so blessed to have her in our family. We love ya Becky!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Holy cow! Twenty seven years ago tomorrow, June 15, 1982, our family received a special blessing from our Heavenly Father. Our first son, Matthew Robert Werry. I can't believe we are that old, I can believe how blessed we are to have him and each of our children in our family.

Both of our girls had what the dr said were boy heart beats. I was afraid to ask what his guess was going to be. We had planned on having a basketball team and a couple of cheerleaders. We had our cheerleaders (who happened to be good basketball players) we just need boy players. Robert was finally able to come in the delivery/operating room with me. We were both really excited. We took our girls across the street to a great neighbor, Lynell Weatherston, while our new little one was born.

When our new little one was taken from my stomach, C-section, I heard his father declare, "YES! its a boy!" We were so happy to have a healthy little boy. Robert hurried home to tell the girls they had a little brother. They were excited to get to hold him and love him.

Matt has always been such a joy in our lives. He sometimes reminded me, when I needed help that I should pray. When we were going to meet the girls at the end of the Ioka lane, and I was thinking, this is such a long way, he'd say, "Look how far we have gone, Mom." He was blessed with good friends, who were good examples to him, and he was also a good example to them.

After serving a mission, he met a wonderful young lady, Mindy Watts. We sure love her! They were married in the MT Timp temple. What a wonderful day! Now they have also been blessed, with a darling little girl, Peyton Annalynn Werry.

Matt I hope you have a wonderful birthday! We sure love you! Old Man!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Robert and I got up early yesterday(but not too early), milked and headed for Provo to go to the Lindsay Family reunion. It was so nice to see and visit my mom, sister, brother, aunts, uncles, cousins but it was especially great to see Becky, Steve, Matt, Mindy plus three of our grandkids, Koby, Morgan and Peyton. When Morgan saw us she came running with a great big hug. Koby thinks he is getting too big for that but he gave me a hug anyway. Peyton still isn't too sure about us, she doesn't get to see us often enough. But she is warming up a little.

Robert and I were talking about kids and families after church today. The reverence in primary is very bad. The kids in Robert's Sunday school class don't show interest in much of anything. I told him if any of my kids acted like a family in our ward, well I didn't know what I'd do. Robert said that they'd have blistered hindends.
We are so blessed to have such a great family. I don't know what we did to deserve them, but I am glad we did it. We are having our family reunion in two weeks and I can't wait to have our family together. It is so much fun!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The past few days in watching Morgan, I have seen her work on conquering her fears of the milk barn. There are so many sounds and such huge cows. She has only wanted to sit in a chair at the front of the barn, far enough away that there was no possible way for the cows to get her. There is no way they could get anywhere near her. But to her that has been awful scary.

Sunday night after her parents left and Papa and Koby were changing sprinklers, she asked me if she could help me get the cows in. I was surprised, but said sure. She had found a little proder and wanted to be like me. So the next batch of cows that needed to come in she held the prodding stick with one hand and her other hand held a death grip on my hand. I kept her out of the way of the cows, there weren't many left. She asked, " Do you think I could pet Bridgette?" I assured her that she could. I kind of slipped between her and Bridgette, Morgan didn't realize that she was touching this huge cow until she turned back around. She started to jerk her hand away, then relaxed it and began petting Bridgette.

The next thing she did was started to walk up and down the alley way BY HERSELF! She started getting me a towel as soon as she saw me dipping the cows that were coming in.

Now I want to follow her example by working on conquering my fears. I need to work on my self worth, being afraid I won't do something good enough. I am very hard on myself. Like this blog--I see all of my family and friends little spots and they are so awesome. Maybe if I keep working, I can become more confident.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

my garden

Sometimes I wonder why I even try to plant a garden. The past two years a wind/rain storm layed my corn flat. Each year I swear that I'd never have a garden again. Well this year my garden again had a little disaster. While Robert and I were gone to Cedar City, some horses got loose and came to check out our garden. They ran right across my lettuce, peas, beans, potatoes, and corn. I cried all night long. Of course it was my turn to say prayers, so I asked for help in forgiving whoever's horses that attacked my garden. The next day I filled in hoof prints and replanted a few things. Now my garden is coming along just fine. We'll see what the storms do later this year.

If you look close in the middle picture you can see the hoof prints.

Teaching old moms new tricks

Becky: I have been trying for a very long time to get my mom to start a blog. She thinks that she doesn't have much to say but I know she does. I know that you will all enjoy many wonderful posts from her. Enjoy! These are pictures of our family at the last reunion-just a couple of missing family members and a picture of Robert and Anna Werry-my parents.