Wednesday, May 18, 2011

This week has been cold and windy. It started raining early this morning, but there has been work done this week.
The contrator finished framing the outside of our master bedroom/bathroom. The first picture is the bathroom. There will be a garden tub under the windows. The second picture is the bay window in our bedroom. What a view it will be. Robert said that when we get our room finished, complete with fireplace, we will never want to leave our bedroom.

This picture is our front porch. We are going to use a wood stain on it when we get all of our siding ect done.

We are using a wood plank stamp for the front and back porches.
They also did our basement steps going down from the garage.

Friday, May 13, 2011

What a week!

Monday was a rainy, cloudy day, but we had some lumber delivered and Mr Masterson dug our septic tank hole. We also had a new addition to our heard. (I know the grandkids will love this addition)

Tuesday the contractors started setting the floor studs up. Things started moving along fast.

Wednesday we got our septic tank in. The cement people came and sured up our front and back porch. And more work done on the floor.

The guy in this picture is Mr Masterson's son, Matt. He was cool.

This brings us to Thursday! What a fun day! Robert had a great time this day too, but he was terribly sore from a different kind of work.

Robert took time from his milking (duh) and helped set out lumber for the walls and helped stand the walls. It was so awesome to watch the walls go up. When they stood this wall up the told me to come and look out my kitchen window. Here is the view.
Here they are stand the front of the house, actually it is the dining room and doorway and front bedroom.

This has been a good week for our new home.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

It doesn't seem like they are getting anything done on our house until you look back where they began. If you look at it weekly instead of day to day, they are getting things done, despite the challenging weather; wind, rain, snow; and more wind. Here are this weeks pics.

It has been exciting to see the changes at the end of the week. Our basement is beginning to looking like a basement. The second picture is our cold room, where we can store potatoes,carrots, onions and other foods for storage. The third picture is the view from our back porch and our bedroom. It is breath taking!

Monday, May 2, 2011

So Excited!

Well I am already two weeks behind. Monday April 19th, the concrete men poured our basement walls. It was very awesome to watch, it took 6 cement trucks.

As soon as they started pouring cement, Robert came in the barn to get me so I could watch them and take pictures.

I think it is hard for me to have to go to the barn everyday, twice a day and watch for something to be done.
On Tuesday the concrete men started taking the forms away from the new walls of our house. It took them most of the week. We took the kids, who came home for Easter to see the progress on the house. They seemed excited too!
On Friday April 29th, the contrators came and put boards on the top of the cement. So we are waiting to backfill around the house and put the window wells in, for Blue stakes to come and the electriction to come and put power to the house.
We took a break from milking on Wednesday, to go to Cedar City to get a bid on our doors and windows from Jones Paint and Glass. That was so much fun.

Today is Monday May 2nd, Robert is so excited, he is planning on helping backfill around the house and put the window wells in.

Can't wait to see what gets done tomorrow!